Exercise on Participles - 03


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Exercise on Present Participle

Exercise on Perfect Participle

Rewrite the sentences replacing the italic part with a perfect participle.

  1. We switched off the lights before we went to tát bed.
    → we went to tát bed.
  2. The boy asked his mother's permission and then went out to tát play.
    → the boy went out to tát play.
  3. As he had drunk too much, he didn't drive trang chủ himself.
    → he didn't drive trang chủ himself.
  4. We have written two tests today, sánh we are very exhausted.
    → we are very exhausted.
  5. She filled the washing machine and switched it on.
    → she switched it on.
  6. She had been to tát the disco the night before and overslept in the morning.
    → she overslept in the morning.
  7. We had worked in the garden all day and were sunburned in the evening.
    → we were sunburned in the evening.
  8. She had not slept for two days and therefore wasn't able to tát concentrate.
    → she wasn't able to tát concentrate.
  9. Since I had not seen him for ages, I didn't recognize him.
    → I didn't recognize him.
  10. I had not ridden a horse for a long time and found it very difficult to tát keep in the saddle.
    → I found it very difficult to tát keep in the saddle.