NHS patients' rights


This information applies to lớn Scotland.

NHS tư vấn services

NHS 24

You can get advice about NHS services and treatment, and personal health advice from the NHS 24 website or by phone on 111.

NHS inform

You can get health information, including details of local health services across Scotland, from NHS inform:

Healthcare Improvement Scotland

Healthcare Improvement Scotland (HIS) is part of NHS Scotland.  HIS:

  • provides clinical standards and guidelines for NHS services

  • inspects NHS Boards' hospitals and services

  • publishes reports on its website

There is information about Health Improvement Scotland's work on its website.

The Patient Advice and Support Service

The Patient Advice and Support Service (PASS) is an independent service which provides không tính tiền, accessible and confidential advice and tư vấn to lớn patients, their carers and their families about NHS healthcare. The service is provided by Citizens Advice Scotland and you can access it from any Citizens Advice Bureau in Scotland.

PASS will:

  • help you understand your rights and responsibilities as a patient

  • provide information, advice and tư vấn for anyone who wants to lớn give feedback or comments, or raise concerns or complaints, about healthcare delivered by NHS Scotland

  • provide practical help with making a complaint, including writing letters, making phone calls and supporting you to lớn prepare for and attend meetings

  • work with the NHS by using feedback to lớn improve your healthcare and NHS provision.

You can gọi PASS for advice and tư vấn on 0800 917 2127. Lines are open Monday to lớn Friday, 9am to lớn 5pm. You can find more information about PASS on its website.

GP services

If you normally live in the UK, even if you're originally from another country, you have the right to register with a general practitioner (GP) if you live in the GP's catchment area.

The GP doesn't have to lớn accept you, but if they don't, they must have reasonable grounds and give you their reasons in writing.

You can download the NHS factsheet 'Health care in Scotland for holidaymakers from overseas' from NHS inform.

Choosing a GP

You can search for the nearest GP on NHS inform.

Registering with a GP

To register with a GP, you'll need to lớn fill in an application size. This is available from the GP practice, or you can complete it online and tin nhắn it to lớn the practice.

You can find the form to lớn register with a GP and guidance about how to lớn register on NHS inform.

You don’t  need to lớn hold a medical thẻ to lớn register with a GP or receive services from the NHS in Scotland.

You can only register permanently with a GP practice if you're going to lớn be staying in the area for at least 3 months. If you're staying somewhere in the UK for less than vãn 3 months, you can ask to lớn be registered on a temporary basis. You can also register temporarily if you move around the country and have no permanent address. 

Children under 16 should be registered by a parent or guardian, but don't have to lớn be registered with the same GP as the rest of their family.

If you can't find a GP

When you try to lớn register at a GP practice, the GP doesn't have to lớn accept you. If they refuse to lớn accept you, they must have reasonable grounds and give you their reasons in writing. For example, they might not be accepting new patients. If this happens, you should try another GP in the area and explain that your first choice has been refused.

You can also contact the Patient Advice and Support Service for more help.

GP treatment

You’re entitled to lớn treatment from a GP at the surgery where you’re registered. When you liên hệ your GP surgery, they must give you access to lớn a GP, nurse or other health professional within 48 hours if that’s what you need. If they don’t, you can make a complaint.  But you don’t have an automatic right to lớn see your own GP.

A GP must provide any necessary treatment in an emergency, even if you're not registered with them.

Treatment outside surgery hours

All GPs must make sure that a service is provided for their patients when the GPs are off duty. This is called an out-of-hours service. To access this service you must phone NHS 24 on 111. All calls to lớn NHS 24 are không tính tiền. If you're unhappy about how your gọi is handled, you can complain to lớn NHS 24.

NHS boards must make sure that the standard of care provided by the out of hours service is satisfactory. If you are unhappy about the standard of treatment you have received, you can make a complaint.

GP charges

Basic GP treatment for NHS patients who live in the UK is không tính tiền. There are charges for some services, for example check-ups for employees and vaccinations for people travelling abroad. For more information, read about help with health costs.

There are charges for some visitors from overseas, except in an emergency. For more information, read about NHS charges for people from abroad.

Changing GP

You might change GP if you move to lớn a different area or you're unhappy with your healthcare. 

You can change your GP at any time without having to lớn give a reason.

When you’ve registered with a new GP, you’ll no longer be registered with the old one. You can then make an appointment to lớn see the new GP immediately.

Moving out of a GP’s area

If you’re changing address but aren’t moving too far, you might want to lớn stay with your current GP. You should ask the GP if they’re willing to lớn continue treating and visiting you at your new address.

Being removed from the register by a GP

A GP might remove you from the patient register, for example because you move out of the practice area or are abusive to lớn people at the practice. In most cases, the GP must have given you a warning and their reason for removing you from the register.

If a GP removes you, they’ll tell the NHS board, which will then tell you. The removal takes effect 8 days after the NHS board receives the GP’s notice, or when you’re included on another register if this is sooner. You’re entitled to lớn emergency treatment, or the continuation of treatment which happens more than vãn once a week, until another GP accepts you.

If you’ve been violent, or have threatened to lớn be violent, towards your GP or practice staff, and the police have been informed, the GP can remove you from their list immediately. The GP who has removed you will only accept you for emergency treatment if they think it’s clinically necessary. You’ll have to lớn apply to lớn the NHS board to lớn be allocated to lớn another GP.

If a GP has removed you from their register because of violence, you might have difficulty registering with another GP. You might want to lớn make a complaint if you feel you’ve been treated unfairly, for example if you think you were discriminated against. You might be able to lớn get help to lớn vì thế this from an adviser, find out how to lớn liên hệ the Patient Advice Support Service

Complaining about a GP

If you have a problem with your GP, you can try to lớn speak to lớn them or ask to lớn speak to lớn the practice manager. If you’re not comfortable doing this, you can liên hệ the feedback and complaints team at your local NHS board - they will direct your complaint to lớn the right place.  

You can read more about NHS complaints. You can also contact the Patient Advice and Support Service for more help.

Home visits

You can’t insist that a GP visits you at trang chính. A GP will only visit you at trang chính if they think your medical condition requires it. A GP can also decide how urgently a visit is needed.

If you become seriously ill after a GP refused a trang chính visit, the GP could be found to lớn be negligent or in breach of their contract with the NHS. You might want to lớn make a complaint. 

A community nurse can visit you at trang chính if your GP or a hospital consultant refers you. If you’re not an urgent patient, you can make an appointment and somebody should visit you on the day arranged.

A health visitor should visit you at trang chính if:

  • you’ve recently had a baby

  • you’ve recently registered with a GP and have a child under five.

Second opinions

You can ask your GP to lớn arrange a second opinion either from a specialist or from another GP. But the GP doesn't have to lớn vì thế this if they don't think it's necessary. You don't have a right to lớn a second opinion.

You have the right to lớn see a GP who is competent to lớn khuyến mãi with your case. If a GP refers you for a second opinion, you can't insist on seeing a particular GP. But a GP shouldn't refer you to lớn someone you don't want to lớn see.

If the GP refuses to lớn arrange a second opinion, you may wish to lớn change your GP.

If a GP is unsure about a diagnosis, they could be found negligent if they failed to lớn refer you to lớn a specialist and you suffered as a result. If your GP didn't refer you for a second opinion and you have suffered as a consequence, you might want to lớn make a complaint. 


If a GP decides you need medication, they’ll usually give you a prescription. In some cases, the GP might provide the medication themselves, for example if the surgery is in an isolated area.

A GP must supply any drugs needed for immediate treatment in an emergency.

Problems with medicines 

You can use the Yellow Card Scheme to lớn report suspected problems or incidents with medicines, medical devices and healthcare products. These problems include serious side effects that your doctor didn’t tell you about. There’s more information, including how to lớn report a serious side effect, on the Yellow Card Centre Scotland website.

Licensing of new medicines

When a new medicine is developed, it must be licensed before it can be made available for use in the UK. The Scottish Medicines Consortium approves some licensed medicines for general use by the NHS in Scotland.

Hospital treatment

In most cases, you can only get NHS hospital treatment if your GP refers you. You can also get hospital treatment if you’re attending a special clinic, for example for the treatment of a sexually transmitted disease, or you need emergency medical attention.


If you need urgent medical attention, you can go directly to lớn the accident and emergency (A&E) department of a hospital without a referral from your GP. Not all hospitals have A&E departments. Some hospitals have minor injuries units instead, where you can go without a GP referral.

The hospital that provides the emergency treatment is responsible for paying for the treatment. If you need emergency admission as an in-patient, your local health authority will pay.

If you go into A&E, someone should assess you immediately. You shouldn’t wait more than vãn four hours before being admitted to lớn a ward, sent trang chính or transferred to lớn another hospital.

If you have to lớn wait for longer, you can complain. Find out more about waiting time standards on the NHS inform website

Violent patients

If you’re violent or abusive to lớn NHS staff, the hospital might refuse to lớn treat you, or give you a verbal or written warning before withholding or withdrawing treatment. Violent or abusive behaviour can include verbal abuse, threats, violence, drug or alcohol abuse in hospital and destruction of property.

Each NHS board decides what types of behaviour could lead to lớn the hospital withholding or withdrawing treatment, and how this policy is implemented. The hospital shouldn’t withdraw treatment for more than vãn a year. If you’re violent or abusive to lớn NHS staff and have severe mental health problems or are suffering life-threatening conditions, you shouldn’t be denied treatment.

It’s an offence to lớn assault, hinder or obstruct an emergency worker - for example, a paramedic, doctor or nurse - while they’re carrying out their duties. The penalty is a fine of up to lớn £10,000 or up to lớn a year in prison.

Seeing a consultant

You don’t have a right to lớn see a consultant or a particular doctor, but you can ask for this. Your GP can’t insist that you see a particular consultant or doctor. You have the right to lớn see a doctor who is competent to lớn khuyến mãi with your case.

If you have special reasons for seeing a particular consultant - for example, your child is the consultant’s patient - you could ask for an appointment. You should explain your reasons for wanting to lớn see the consultant. If you still have difficulty in seeing the consultant, you could write to lớn the hospital administrator asking for their help.

You might want to lớn get a second opinion after seeing a consultant, as either an out-patient or an in-patient. You’ll need to lớn request this from the consultant, who might arrange for you to lớn see someone else. If the consultant doesn’t agree, you could ask your GP to lớn help.

Waiting lists

You might not be able to lớn get the hospital treatment you need immediately and might have to lớn go on a waiting list. There are maximum waiting times for in-patient treatment on the NHS. If necessary, the hospital might arrange for you to lớn be treated in another hospital to lớn have you treated on time.

There are also waiting time standards for a first appointment as an out-patient.

Waiting lists don't operate on a ‘first come, first served’ basis. Your position on a waiting list depends on a range of circumstances and might change. If your condition gets worse, your GP might recommend that you are seen more urgently. How long you'll have to lớn wait to lớn see a specialist or have an operation will depend on how severe your condition is, how busy the specialist is and other demands on the hospital facilities.

If you've been waiting longer than vãn the target wait time, you can complain.

Find out more about waiting time standards on the NHS inform website.

If you have a question about waiting times, you can phone the NHS inform helpline.

If you're waiting to lớn be admitted to lớn hospital, you should liên hệ the hospital appointments department or the consultant on a regular basis, reminding the hospital staff that you're still waiting. If you're prepared to lớn go into hospital at short notice, you should say ví, in case there’s a cancellation. You should also keep your GP informed of your condition, particularly if it gets worse.

If you're on a hospital waiting list and don’t turn up for an appointment or admission, the hospital might put you back to lớn the bottom of the waiting list. If you’re not available for a period of time for a good reason, for example work commitments, illness or a pre-arranged holiday, you should tell the hospital. Your position on the waiting list will be paused until you’re available again.

Children going in to lớn hospital

There are several issues you might want to lớn consider if your child is going into hospital, for example:

  • whether you can stay with your child

  • how much help you can give with feeding and looking after your child

  • what will happen to lớn your child’s education

Children's Health Scotland might be able to lớn advise on these issues. There’s also a leaflet for parents whose child is going into hospital for the first time on the Children’s Health Scotland website.

A child should usually be admitted to lớn a children’s ward under the supervision of a consultant paediatrician (a children’s doctor). If your child is in an adult ward, you might want to lớn make a complaint. 

The Scottish government has strongly recommended that hospitals allow unrestricted visiting on children’s wards. Hospitals should also let parents be with their children as much as possible. This could include allowing you to lớn stay overnight at the hospital. You should make enquiries about these arrangements before your child goes into hospital.

If you’re finding it difficult to lớn visit a child in hospital, for example if you have other children at trang chính, you might want to lớn discuss this with the medical social worker at the hospital.

If a patient dies in hospital 

If a patient dies in hospital, NHS staff should tell their relatives and GP as soon as possible. Staff should tell the relatives about the arrangements that need to lớn be made.

An NHS Board might be responsible for arranging the funeral if there are no relatives or if the relatives can't afford the cost and don't qualify for a funeral tư vấn payment from Social Security Scotland.

Find out more funeral tư vấn payments.  

Hospital charges

Most hospital treatment for NHS patients who live in the UK is không tính tiền. But there can be charges in an emergency for examining and treating people involved in road accidents. There are also charges for some services, for example beds with more privacy and alternative menus.

There might be charges for some visitors from overseas, except in most emergencies. You can read more about NHS charges for people from abroad

Financial help for hospital patients

If you're getting certain benefits, your entitlement might be affected if you go into hospital.

If you’re concerned about the effect of going into hospital on benefits, you should consult an experienced adviser, for example at a Citizens Advice Bureau. Find out where to lớn get advice.

If you’re on a low income, you might be able to lớn get help with travel costs to lớn hospital and the costs of prescriptions, wigs and fabric supports.

You can read more about help with health costs.

Transport for patients

If you have medical needs that mean you need help with transport, the Patient Transport Service might be able to lớn help:

  • with getting to lớn and from a hospital appointment

  • when you’re being admitted to lớn or discharged from hospital

There’s more about the Patient Transport Service on the Scottish Ambulance Service website.

If you don’t qualify for help from the Patient Transport Service, you might be able to lớn apply to lớn a local scheme. Your GP or NHS board should be able to lớn give you more information about this.

Discharge from hospital

You shouldn’t be discharged from hospital until your care needs have been assessed and arrangements have been made for any services you need after you’re discharged. These are called community care services.

Any assessment should consider your wishes and the wishes of your family and any carer. The hospital should keep you fully informed and involved, give you enough time to lớn make decisions and tell you how to lớn seek a review of any decisions made. You can ask the hospital to lớn assess your needs again if your circumstances change.

If you're not happy with discharge arrangements

You might not be satisfied with arrangements for your discharge from hospital, for example because you:

  • feel that you need to lớn stay in hospital for further in-patient treatment

  • are not satisfied with the community care services that have been arranged for you when you leave hospital

  • don’t want to lớn be sent to lớn a care trang chính.

Before you’re discharged, you or your family, carer or representative can ask for a review of the decision about your eligibility for continuing NHS care.

If you’re not satisfied with the arrangements for you after you’ve been discharged, you can complain. If you’re not satisfied with community care services which the local authority has arranged or provided, you should complain to lớn the local authority using its complaints procedure.

If you’re unhappy with your discharge from hospital or with the arrangements for you after discharge, you should consult an experienced adviser, for example at a Citizens Advice Bureau. Find out where to lớn get advice.

There is more information about community care in Social care and support.

Hospital visits

Most hospitals have visiting hours, when people can visit patients. A visitor doesn’t have an automatic right to lớn visit a patient, and the doctor might decide that visits would be bad for the patient’s health. There’s usually a limit to lớn the number of people who can visit at any one time. The rules on visits from children are the same as for other visitors.

If someone wants to lớn visit you in hospital outside visiting hours, they should discuss this with the ward sister. If they can’t get permission from the ward sister, they should liên hệ the hospital administrator if they want to lớn take the matter further.

Help with travel costs for visits 

If you're getting Income Support, income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance, income-related Employment and Support Allowance, Pension Credit or Universal Credit, you might be able to lớn get help with travel costs to lớn visit a relative in hospital.

You might be able to lớn apply for a payment from the Scottish Welfare Fund, kiểm tra how to lớn apply to lớn your local authority

Or you might want to lớn apply for a budgeting loan to lớn help with travel costs to lớn visit a close relative. There's more information about budgeting loans on GOV.UK. If you're getting Universal Credit you'll need to lớn apply for a budgeting advance instead of a budgeting loan. 

Maternity services

Ready Steady Baby! is NHS Scotland's guide to pregnancy, labour, birth and parenthood until your child is eight weeks old. The guide includes information on your baby's development, the care you’ll receive and mental health tư vấn during or after pregnancy. You can find the Ready Steady Baby! guide on the NHS inform website.

If you’re not getting the care you want, or you need more information on how maternity services are organised in your area, you should liên hệ the supervisor of midwives at your local maternity hospital or the NHS board.

Treatment not available on the NHS

Access to lớn some treatment, for example in-vitro fertilisation (IVF), might depend on the priorities of your NHS board. Some treatment might not be provided in your area. Access to lớn some treatment might depend on your needs.

You can get details of services that aren’t provided, and any criteria for prioritising these services, from your NHS board.

Medicines not available on the NHS

A patient might want to lớn ask to lớn be treated with a licensed medicine that isn’t approved for use by the NHS in Scotland, for example for an end-of-life or rare condition. The Scottish government recommends that a patient discusses treatment options with their clinician.

The Scottish Medicines Consortium uses Patient and Clinician Engagement groups to lớn gather detailed information on the benefits of a medicine, including how it can affect the quality of a patient’s life. There’s information about Patient and Clinician Engagement on the Scottish Medicines Consortium website.

Paying for treatment not available on the NHS

Some treatments used for certain illnesses that are very expensive and aren’t available on the NHS. You can choose to lớn pay for these treatments yourself and this won’t affect your other NHS care. This means that the NHS should not withdraw its care if you buy additional care privately.

Any private care should be provided separately from the NHS care.

Complaining that treatment isn't available on the NHS

If you’re unhappy because a treatment isn’t available on the NHS, you can make a complaint. For information on making a complaint see NHS complaints.

You shouldn’t be examined, treated or operated on without your consent, unless:

  • you have a notifiable disease that must, by law, be reported to lớn the public health authority, or are a carrier of a notifiable disease

  • you’ve been detained under the mental health act and might be unable to lớn give your consent

  • you can’t give your consent because of an impairment caused by dementia, brain damage or intoxication through drink or drugs

  • your life is in danger, you’re unconscious and you can’t indicate your wishes

  • a court or someone with parental responsibility authorises treatment. A person whose treatment is authorised by a court must be given an opportunity to lớn defend their case against treatment in court

In some cases, it’s good practice to lớn ask the patient to lớn sign a consent size, but in other cases you can give verbal consent. For example, it’s good practice to lớn get written consent for any procedure or treatment if there’s substantial risk or possible side effects. If you can give written consent, it’s good practice for the medical staff to lớn get this from you for general anaesthesia, surgery and certain forms of drug therapy.

A health professional should record your written or verbal consent in your notes, with their explanations. If you’re concerned about a specific treatment, the doctor must describe other forms of treatment that are available.

If there’s doubt about your capacity to lớn provide consent, a health professional must make an assessment.

The health professional should give you enough information that you can give consent. This is called informed consent. A consent size that you’ve signed is only valid if you’ve given informed consent. Consent for one procedure doesn’t imply consent for another procedure or size of treatment.

Before you give consent, the doctor must tell you about the treatment or operation, and any risks. The doctor will decide how much to lớn tell you, the patient.

There is more about consent on the NHS inform website.


A child under 16 can consent to lớn, or refuse, any treatment if the doctor believes they understand the nature and possible consequences of the treatment. The doctor should get the consent of a parent or guardian if a child under 16 doesn’t have enough understanding, except in an emergency where there isn’t time to lớn get it. If the local authority has parental responsibility for a child under 16, the doctor doesn’t need to lớn get the consent of a parent or guardian.

There’s information for children and young people under 16 about consent on the NHS inform website.

If you take part in medical research and teaching

In general, if a doctor wants to lớn carry out research on you, you have to lớn give your consent. But if a child under 16 isn’t competent to lớn decide, a parent or court can agree to lớn the research on their behalf.

The doctor should give you a full explanation of the procedures and risks involved. They should also make clear to lớn you that you can withdraw from the research at any time. They should always take care to lớn protect patient confidentiality.

If you refuse to lớn take part in teaching, your treatment must not be affected. If you don’t want to lớn be involved in teaching, you should tell the hospital in advance.

You can read more about consent on the NHS inform website.

Right to lớn refuse treatment

You can refuse any treatment if you want. Even if you’re in the middle of a course of treatment that you gave your consent for, you can ask for the treatment to lớn be stopped.

When you visit a doctor, this usually means consent to lớn examination and treatment. The doctor can’t act against specific instructions. You should tell the doctor about any treatment you don’t want.

If alternative treatments can be used to lớn treat your condition, the doctor should give you information on these. But you can’t insist on a treatment if the doctor or consultant thinks it’s not appropriate.

Forcing treatment on you against your will is assault. If you’re assaulted, you should liên hệ your NHS board to lớn make a complaint. Find out how to lớn make a complaint to lớn the NHS board. You might also want to lớn involve the police.

Refusing treatment for your child

If you’re a parent or guardian of a child and you refuse to lớn give consent for treatment which a doctor thinks is necessary, the action the doctor takes will depend on how urgent the treatment is.

When a child’s life is in danger, the doctor has the right to lớn vì thế whatever is needed to lớn save the child’s life. But the doctor might need to lớn get a court order if you refuse to lớn give consent for your child to lớn be treated.

If you don’t provide medical help for a child, or if you unreasonably refuse to lớn allow treatment, you can be prosecuted for neglect.

End-of-life care

Palliative care is care given when a condition can’t be cured. Palliative care aims to lớn control pain and other symptoms, and help patients and carers facing progressive illness and bereavement. These needs can be practical, social, emotional or spiritual.

Palliative care can be delivered in any setting. It can be provided at any stage after a life-limiting illness or condition is diagnosed, and not only in the last days, weeks or months of life. You can read more about palliative care, including specific conditions and sources of help, on the NHS inform website.

Right to lớn die

The law about whether a person has the right to lớn die is unclear. You have a right to lớn refuse or stop treatment at any time, even if this means that you might die. But it’s illegal for a doctor to lớn skip or carry out treatment with the specific aim of causing or speeding up death.

If you think you might become ví ill that you could no longer decide about treatment, you should tell the doctor beforehand at what stage you would want treatment to lớn stop.

You might want to lớn write what you’d want to lớn happen if you became too ill to lớn give consent to lớn medical treatment. Requests for specific treatment are called living wills, and refusals of treatment are called advance directives, but these terms are often used to lớn mean the same thing. An advance directive refusing treatment is legally binding on health professionals.

If you’re thinking of making a living will or an advance directive, you should consult an experienced adviser, for example a solicitor or an adviser at a Citizens Advice Bureau. Find out how to lớn liên hệ an adviser.

If you’re concerned about being treated against your wishes, you should ensure you make this clear when the treatment is offered.

Organ donation

Adults and children over 16 are usually assumed to lớn have agreed to lớn their organs being used for transplant after they die if they haven't made their wishes clear while they were alive. This is even if they haven't registered their wishes on the NHS organ donor register. Find out more and register on the Organ Donation Scotland website.

Access to lớn medical records

You have the right to lớn see most health records held about you, subject to lớn certain safeguards. You’re entitled to lớn be told about:

  • how the information is used

  • who has access to lớn the information

  • how you can arrange to lớn see your records.

Subject to lớn certain safeguards, you have a right to lớn see any medical report written for an employer, prospective employer or insurer by a doctor who is responsible for your ongoing care. This can be your GP or consultant or any doctor who has treated you in the past.

You can read more about accessing your health records, including what to lớn vì thế if you think information is wrong, on the NHS inform website.

Asking for information about health services

You have a right to lớn ask for, and get, information from NHS boards, hospitals, GPs, dentists, opticians, pharmacists and other health professionals.

You might want to lớn access information about:

  • services and service standards

  • decision-making processes

  • the use of public funds

In most cases, the health authority must give you the information in đôi mươi working days. The exception is if there’s a valid reason, for example the health authority doesn’t hold the information you asked for, or giving out the information wouldn’t be in the public interest.

Healthcare providers such as doctors and nurses must try to lớn make sure that things are explained to lớn you in a way you understand. If they don't, you might not have given proper consent to lớn treatment. If it's difficult for you to lớn communicate, for example because you don't speak English well or you have an impairment which affects your communication, providers should present the information in a way you understand. This could mean offering an interpreter or a sign language interpreter.

In some circumstances, if a provider doesn't communicate with you properly, you can complain that they have discriminated against you. This might be race discrimination if you can't understand what the provider is telling you because English isn't your first language. Or it might be disability discrimination if you can't understand what they’re telling you because you’re disabled, for example if you're deaf.

If you need to lớn talk about a personal medical issue which affects only women or men and you need an interpreter, you can complain about sex discrimination if the interpreter isn’t the same sex as you.


Organisations and people providing health services mustn’t discriminate against you because of your race, sex, disability, religion or belief, or sexuality. Your NHS board might also have an equality policy which says it won’t discriminate against you for other reasons, for example if you have HIV.

If you're disabled, a healthcare provider must make 'reasonable adjustments' to lớn allow you to lớn use their services. If they don't, they must be able to lớn show that this is justified, otherwise they’ll be discriminating against you. Examples of making reasonable adjustments include providing information on audiotape as well as in writing or installing a ramp to lớn allow wheelchair access.


I have hearing difficulties and it’s embarrassing when I go to lớn the dentist – I can never hear the receptionist gọi my name.

You could ask your dental surgery to lớn keep a record of all their patients with hearing difficulties. Receptionists can then come over and tell you when the dentist is ready to lớn see you, rather than vãn calling your name. The surgery should agree to lớn this. If they don't, and they don't have a good reason, they’re probably discriminating against you and you should make a complaint.


An NHS clinic has refused to lớn offer fertility services to lớn us because we're a lesbian couple. Is it allowed to lớn vì thế this?

No, if the clinic is refusing to lớn treat you just because you’re a lesbian couple, and the treatment would be offered to lớn an opposite-sex couple, this is sexuality discrimination and it's against the law. You’ll need to lớn get expert advice about how to lớn take this further.

But if the clinic doesn't offer fertility treatment to lớn any couples, regardless of their sexuality, you won't be able to lớn complain about sexuality discrimination.

If you think that a doctor, dentist, nurse or other healthcare professional is discriminating against you, you can complain about this. You should ask to lớn see a copy of the equality policy of the organisation they work for and point out where they’re failing to lớn keep to lớn it. Check how to lớn make NHS complaints.

Find out more about Discrimination in health and care services.

Veterans and serving armed forces personnel

The Scottish government has mix out the healthcare services that serving and former armed forces personnel and their families are entitled to lớn as part of the armed forces covenant.

Veterans with service-related injuries or ill health should get priority based on clinical need, even if the symptoms don’t appear for some time after they leave service. This means that if there's a more urgent medical emergency, that will take priority.

Find out more about the health rights of veterans on NHS inform.

NHS dental treatment

You can register with a dentist who does NHS treatment and is accepting new patients. Not all dentists provide NHS treatment.

Find out more about NHS dental treatment.